bnfood and drink exports (2022)
bnagri-tech FDI
From farming and fishing to advanced manufacturing in food and drink production and packaging, the Midlands has a long-held reputation as a leader in this sector. Home to international food and drink brands, the region is building on and safeguarding this legacy with growing expertise in plant-based foods and agri-tech.
- 70% of all the fish consumed in England is processed in Grimsby.
- Boston in Lincolnshire is home to Europe’s largest plantbased ‘meat’ factory with a capacity of 55,000 tonnes per year.
- Seven Food Enterprise Zones alongside world leading education and training offers in agrifood. The Universities of Birmingham, Nottingham and Warwick are in the global top 100 universities and have significant strengths in teaching and research in the sector.
- Skills development in this regionally significant sector is the focus of the National Centre for Food Manufacturing, a satellite campus of the University of Lincoln.
- Harper Adams University has developed the first ‘Hands-Free Hectare’, where crops were planted, tended, and harvested exclusively through autonomous vehicles and drones.

Invest in UK R&D - Agri-tech