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Urban Regeneration

West Bromwich Town Centre

The promoters, Sandwell Council, are open to all aspects of delivery and investment options with the opportunity to shape the future development of sites across the town centre and delivery of the West Bromwich Masterplan Vision.

The regeneration opportunities cover a number of sites that form a development area cluster within over 100 hectares in West Bromwich, Sandwell’s strategic centre.

This is an opportunity to be a major development partner in the regeneration of the eastern part of the town centre delivering over 1,300 new homes, leisure, and key ancillary commercial and retail floorspace.

Key facts

  • Open to all aspects of delivery and investment options with the opportunity to shape the future development of sites across
  • Opportunity to be a major development partner
  • To deliver over 1,300 new homes, leisure, and key ancillary commercial and retail floorspace
  • To develop the cultural and educational offer around the town
  • To provide better quality public realm, green spaces, and leisure space
  • To improve and diversify the current retail and commercial offer in the town
  • To improve the lives of residents and create new jobs in the area
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Opportunity location

Why invest in Sandwell?

Sandwell, in the heart of the West Midlands, has a diverse economy thanks to innovative companies and a highly skilled workforce. It is home to a pro-business council that supports your growth and development.

The region is home to around 9,000 businesses – exciting and dynamic companies which collectively employ approximately 140,000 people. Sandwell is part of the West Midlands and Birmingham city region and have expertise in key sectors such as advanced manufacturing and production, health and care, and logistics amongst others. They also have a young, diverse population and hold competitive property prices in comparison to much of the rest of the UK, so commercially our area remains in high demand, yet still offers good value for money compared to alternatives.

Thanks to Sandwell’s excellent transport links, including the M5 and M6, with many skilled people, and the cost-competitive location at the centre of England, more and more companies are looking to Sandwell to fulfil their business needs.

Sandwell is growing. Up to £3bn of investment between 2022 and 2027 will fund regeneration across the six towns, improving quality of life and making Sandwell a more sustainable, greener place. The £3bn pipeline includes 69 live regeneration projects being delivered across Sandwell, funded by a range of public and private sector investment. These include housing, education, skills, commercial and transport.

Sandwell’s regeneration plans aim to improve the quality of life for our residents, create more well-paid, fulfilling jobs and a healthier, wealthier Sandwell.

Insight for investors

  • Type of investment sought: Various
  • Target investor(s): Commercial and retail, education and public space, and housing and property investors.
  • Value: £500m+ GDV
  • Site size: 22 hectares
  • Jobs: 3,000+ jobs many of which will be construction jobs, and anticipated to be many new mostly service jobs created by the transformation
  • Timescale: 2020-27
  • Delivery timescale: Immediate
  • Planning status: Allocated in local plan
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Primary promoter

Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council