Research & Development
Automated Distribution & Manufacturing Centre
The Automated Distribution & Manufacturing Centre (ADMC) is the Council’s flagship project from their £62.6 million Towns Deal and is set to cement the District as the heart of innovation and technology within the East Midlands.
The plans for the ADMC, which – now approved – will sit on Lowmoor Road, Kirkby, have ambitions to ignite the adoption of automation and advanced manufacturing in business across the region. This will drive productivity and bring more high skilled jobs to Ashfield. The centre will work with businesses on how technology can help them, enable them to test how things could work within their own business and train their staff on how to use and maintain automated systems.
The ADMC is a key component for the Council to achieve their ambitions for Ashfield to leverage its strong manufacturing heritage and central location in the UK to have businesses and a workforce thriving with many highly paid and skilled roles within Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths (STEM) sectors.
The broader site will be a £100 million+ technology park development attracting inward investment and creating higher economic growth opportunities for the residents of Ashfield.
Key facts
- £30m national centre of excellence for automation
- 37,673 ft² purpose built, multifunctional automation centre
- Centrepiece of a wider Innovation and Technology Park in Ashfield
- Will work with businesses to create and implement bespoke automation strategies and solutions

Investment location
Why invest in Nottingham?
Nottingham is a city with a rich past and a bright future. A city of leaders and legacy, known for its resilience, its compassion and its community spirit – just like its hero, Robin Hood. A city where you’ll find the legend of its outlaw hero and a thousand years of history at Nottingham Castle a stone’s throw from state-of-the-art developments emerging in Southside, Waterside and the Island Quarter. A place that’s on a mission to become the UK’s first carbon-neutral city by 2028, with unprecedented levels of investment in an award-winning, clean and green public transport system, electric vehicles and sustainable energy sources. A vibrant clash of creativity and culture, history and heritage, and world-class sports. A city where you’ll find independent shops, world cuisine and a thriving nightlife buzzing within the curious alleyways, boutique arcades and beautiful architecture. And two world-class universities nurturing innovation and independent minds, while a growing business scene secures their future. A place that’s always moving forward while celebrating its past. The biggest small city in the UK, nestled in the heart of the Midlands.
Insight for investors
- Type of investment sought: TBC
- Value: £30m GDC, wider site will be £100m+ technology park
- Site size: 37,673 ft², wider site size TBC
- Jobs: TBC
- Timescale: 2023 onwards
- Delivery timescale: Immediate
- Planning status: Planning approved for the centre